Even though I'm extremely outgoing, I've never been one to really put myself out there dating-wise. Mostly because I truly don't give a shit and don't have time to cry over little boys who can't figure out how to dial a number. And if you can't figure out how to call - let's be serious, text- a girl, then in reality, why should I even bother with you? You're dumb, clearly. I've also always been told that I can be quite intimidating and that boys may have the tendency to feel inferior to me, (could you tell from the previous sentence?). But you know what I have to say to that? Grow a fucking set, man up and be happy with a woman who isn't afraid to be successful, confident, and driven.
With all of that being said, my equally-as-confident best friend and I happened to have been going through pretty rough break-ups at the same time and after we each took some time for ourselves and reflected back on what could have been, my main girl decided it was time that we get our asses in gear and get back into the dating game. As a result, Tinder became a new word in my vocabulary, (after much persuasion mind you, since my ass is as stubborn as a mule). Clearly, from my last post "A Hopeless Romantic in a World Where Romance is Hopeless," it's obvious that I am, by no means, a fan or participant in online dating, (no judging, just my opinion), but the fact that Tinder doesn't allow random creeps with fake pictures to message you, it seemed a little bit better in my book.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Tinder, here is a quick run-down. Tinder is a dating app that you can download on your phone, but you must have a Facebook for it to be able to build your Tinder profile. None of your personal information will be put on Tinder, just your first name, age and a few photos, and Tinder will never post anything on your Facebook. All I need is people scrolling through their newsfeed and seeing "Jaclyn has a new Tinder match!" but I guess I just blew up my own spot now, so there goes that. You can then adjust your settings to what gender you're looking for, the age range and the maximum miles away you want the other person to be. Then, let the games begin! Pictures of different people come up and you can either swipe to the left if you don't like them or swipe to the right if you do. If you both like each other, then you are able to message each other.

I blame two of the reasons I was persuaded into joining Tinder on my ex, and my so-called stalker. Honestly, I thought my ex was the one, but he got scared and ran away, (what the fuck else is new), so that idea turned to shit real fast. Then, low and behold, just when I was down and out about my ex, a twice-divorced 42-year-old man, (yes, because that's exactly my type, how did he know?), decides he likes my personality, oh yeah, and my rack, and starts showing up at my work everyday, sometimes just to say hi. Greattttttttt. So, with an ex that left me high and dry, and a stalker that's up my ass, and looking down my shirt, I turned to what seemed like a last resort, Tinder. And honestly, if that's any single girl's last resort, then honey, we're all doomed.