Can I just ask what the hell happened to dating? Shall we just ponder that question for a few minutes? What happened to men being gentlemen and women being ladies? What happened to chivalry? It’s not hard to walk an extra 15 feet to open up the passenger side door. Honestly, when did men stop being gentlemen and earn the title of douchebags?

But we’re no longer little 6 year olds in Belle footy pajamas enthralled with Disney love stories, oh no, we’ve moved on to Victoria's Secret sweat pants and Nicholas Sparks’ movies. Again, even at 24, we’re told that this magical true love still does exist. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe that it does, I would just like to know where the hell it is.
Guys no longer want to commit, even in their late 20’s, (when the stigma says they should), and all girls want is a commitment; it’s a lose-lose situation. It’s hard to meet someone anywhere anymore, especially in a bar because honestly, slurring your words and spilling your drink on me is not going to make my panties drop, sorry.
It also seems that guys are little girls when it comes to settling down and committing, they’re scared shitless. Why are they so terrified that some girl is actually going to make them happy enough that they don’t have to go looking for random vagina every night? God forbid. My favorite scenario is when you’re dating a guy for a few months, all is well and then one day they just disappear, poof, gone; like hello did you die? And then if you try to text them and find out why they disappeared, you're automatically deemed as psycho and crazy; is that a joke? Why does this happen you ask? Because ladies, our tits are bigger than their balls.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to come off as some cynical, heartbroken 24-year-old but I will tell it like it is, and guys, this is what you look like to us women. Just stop disappointing us and yourselves and do us all a favor and start acting like true gentlemen again, you might even find a girl with some respect for themselves then. Like I said before, I do believe in true love and happily ever after, I really do. I feel like I’m one of the few hopeless romantics left in this world because yes, I do believe there is a prince charming out there for me and for you too. All of these Disney movies and Nicholas Sparks movies are based on it, so it does exist somewhere out there. And like the saying goes, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, hell there’s even a dating website for it now. But you know what? I fucking hate fishing, so I think I'll just wait to be reeled in by my prince charming, thank you very much.
Well said love, but take the angle of the hopeless romantic male. Not only must he live in a world where he is socially cataloged into various feminine factions because he is in tune with his feelings and actually enjoys the idea of happily ever after, but also must he continuously be batted away by girls for not being "douchbaggy" enough. We've simply grown up in a world where you are either lucky enough to be with someone who loves you for you, or you are unlucky to have played a different version of yourself in the courting phase and fear you must maintain in order to keep the other's interest. Romantically linked social interaction is a battlefield that both sides seem to be losing. Could it be due to a lack of personal insight on both sides; or maybe a complete disconnect with the true nature of it all. I often laugh at my guy friends who tell me they are afraid they will get stuck in the friendzone if they don't put up a specific appealing front. I laugh because I don't understand that whole bit at all. Aren't relationships simply a sexual extension of friendships? Wouldn't it be ideal to be friends with someone whom you are smitten over to establish, grow, and maintain, all of the trust and warm fuzzies first before you broadcast to the world that you are committed to each other? Maybe thats why divorce rates are high and commitment levels are low. Its quite possible that we simply don't spend enough time on the fundamentals of it all. Haha but what the hell do I know, I'm just a guy: p
ReplyDeleteAmen! Edgy, real, and fabulous!
ReplyDeletexoxo c
Perhaps I'll make a part two on how guys feel and you can help Kyle!