I wonder what happened between Cory and Topanga after they moved to New York. I wonder if Angela and Shawn ever spoke again or if Shawn living with Cory and Topanga worked out. I wonder if Eric ever found a girl for himself and finally stopped playing the field. I wonder if Jack and Rachel still stayed in their relationship. I wonder if Feeny still lives next door to Amy and Alana. But mostly I wonder, where are they now?
I remember when "Boy Meets World" first premiered on ABC in 1993. I was about four years old but still remember the day I fell in love with that show. It used to be on the old ABC lineup for TGIF, which included "Step by Step" and "Family Matters." Every Friday night my mom and I would sit down for a few hours and enjoy our favorite shows.Even back then I was obsessed with entertainment, it's probably my mom's fault. But anyways, I just really loved "Boy Meets World," and I still do to this day.
Whenever I get asked the question, what's my favorite TV show, without any hesitation at all, I say "Boy Meets World." Yes, I love "90210," "Gossip Girl," and "Glee," but "Boy Meets World" will forever hold a special place in my heart, and yes I do know how absolutely corny that sounds.
I own the whole entire series on DVD and can give you every single line in my favorite couple of episodes. I still laugh whole-heartedly at the same jokes and same scenes that I've seen hundreds of times, because to me, this show never gets old.
To be honest, I really wish they had more shows like this still on the air. Actually, just writing this column I think I might start a campaign to have a "Boy Meets World" reunion.
I watched the whole series over the summer and just recently finished the last episode, and yes of course I cried like a baby on the series finale, just like I do every time I watch it. Even though I have seen every single episode, and own them all, I still feel like that show ended a little bit unfinished, which is why I decided to look up where all the actors are now. To tell you the truth, I'm disappointed in what I found.
Since "Boy Meets World" ended in 2000, Ben Savage, who played Cory Matthews, hasn't really been in the headlines, or in anything actually. There's always been that random rumor every three years or so that goes around saying that he's dead and then Savage is forced to show himself in the flesh to prove the rumors wrong. Savage took a three-year break from acting after the show ended and has only had guest-starring roles in shows like "Chuck" and "Without A Trace." I actually even found a video of him fist pumping with Snooki on Youtube and it made me wish I had never seen it--I'm forever traumatized.
Rider Strong, who played Shawn Hunter, has been around a bit, acting in a few indie horror flicks, all of which no one has ever heard of. He was the lead character in 2002's "Cabin Fever," and was also in 2009's "Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever," but died in the first three minutes of the film. That pretty much says it all for his career after "Boy Meets World."
Danielle Fischel, who played Topanga Lawrence, was in a few National Lampoon movies that went straight to DVD and also appeared on some random TV shows. She now, however, stars on "The Dish," which is the Style Networks own rendition of "The Soup," which is on E!
Will Friedle, who played Eric Matthews, has actually done absolutely nothing since the show ended. He did voice Ron Stoppable on Disney's "Kim Possible," but that show ended years ago and Friedle has since not been anywhere in the entertainment industry. I think this saddens me the most as he was the funniest one in the cast and kept me laughing for days. William Daniels, who played George Feeny, is still alive and kicking, thank God, and has been appearing as guest roles on "The King of Queens," and "Scrubs" and was also in "Blades of Glory," and "The Benchwarmers."
William Russ and Betsy Randle, Alan and Amy Matthews, respectively, have also not been in the entertainment industry that much either. Russ has had some guest starring roles on "Boston Legal," and "Wildfire," while Randle retired from acting after her last stint on "Charmed" in 2004.
Matthew Lawrence, who played Jack Hunter, was in a few Disney movies with his two brothers, Joey and Andy, and was in hit movies like "Hot Chick," and "The Comebacks." Maitland Ward, who played Rachel McGuire, dyed her hair blonde and starred in "White Chicks," and has a reoccurring role on "The Bold and The Beautiful."
Trina McGee, who played Angela Moore starred in "Friday After Next," and that was pretty much it.
As any fan of "Boy Meets World" can see after finding out what happened to the cast of a once great hit TV show, the results seem to be extremely disappointing.
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